Millcreek honored Michael Lasko (SLC) as the Volunteer of the Year during its State of the City address on February 8, 2021.
In 2020, the Millcreek was tested by a pandemic, an earthquake, nearby civil unrest, wildfires and a hurricane-level windstorm. As a resident and representative of J-U-B, Michael stepped up to the challenge and organized a disaster relief effort in his neighborhood. Thanks, Michael, for extending J-U-B’s purpose of “helping each other create better communities” to your neighborhood.
Video – (begin at 24.50)
It’s worth a watch, starting at minute 14.40, to see Millcreek’s mayor, Jeff Silvestrini’s State of the City address. At minute 24.50, the mayor extends an emotional thank you to Michael and his family.
Here’s what the City said in its newsletter: “Michael Lasko and Tresann Lasko deserve special recognition. Michael assisted Millcreek even before our City incorporation in January 2016 with engineering assistance. After last fall’s windstorm, Michael organized his neighborhood and gave the City maps of the worst damage, suggesting locations for waste trailers so the neighborhood could clean up their fallen trees. He and his family later hauled load after load of green waste to the city’s collection site on Wasatch Blvd. For these efforts, we recognize Michael Lasko as Millcreek’s Volunteer of the Year! Thank you, Michael, Tresann, and the Lasko family for your service and your contributions to our community’s resilience.”
Michael, along with Neal Fraser (Orem) and Christina McCullock (Orem) volunteered to work with Millcreek’s Emergency Response Manager and local neighborhood leaders across the City to become better prepared in the event of an emergency. They are continuing to monitor additional support needed by the City in 2021 and beyond.
“Our hope would be that one City at a time, with the support of volunteer neighborhood organizations, we will see the value in being more prepared before disasters occur like Millcreek experienced in 2020 (pandemic, fires, windstorm, earthquake.) Our neighborhood recognized that we could do our part, neighbors helping neighbors, to prioritize incidents of life/health/safety and then repair and recovery next.” -Michael Lasko, PE
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