Trusted Advisor: J-U-B has been the City Engineer for Clinton City for more than 30 years. During that time, J-U-B has helped Clinton City grow from a small farming community to a city of over 22,000 residents. J-U-B has provided all of the professional services that Clinton City has needed for their master planning, funding, transportation, water, sewer, storm drain, and land drain systems.
An Extension of City Staff: J-U-B functions as an extension of the Clinton City staff. We work closely with the staff to provide assistance with challenges that they face. With an office located in Kaysville, we can be onsite in just a few minutes to assist when emergencies arise or to meet with city staff on important issues. We attend meetings with the city staff, city council meetings, perform development reviews, design and oversee construction on projects both small and large. With the expertise and resources available to J-U-B, we have helped solve a wide variety of problems over the years from structural deficiencies to water models to school zone crossing assessments to park development.
Proficient Project Management: One of the recent projects that Clinton City completed was the Civic Center Park and municipal buildings. J-U-B provided master planning for the parks and buildings, concept layouts and cost estimates. We helped prepare the overall project budget and possible funding options helping them receive a grant for two restrooms on the park. J-U-B designed and oversaw the construction of the roadways, waterlines, sports fields, open areas, playgrounds, restrooms, storage facilities, and sites for the buildings.
As with all cities, Clinton City has great need for roadway funding. In the last 10 years J-U-B has helped Clinton City obtain a significant amount of grant funding for streets in their community. J-U-B helped obtain nearly $24 million dollars from the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) Surface Transportation Program for projects on 2000 West, 800 North, 1800 North, and 3000 West. These have been large Federal aid projects that have required significant coordination between WFRC, UDOT, Federal Highways, and Clinton City. These projects have been a huge success and have improved miles of roadway throughout the city.