City of Kuna, ID – J‑U‑B guided the City of Kuna in project planning, visioning, public involvement, and preparing a Downtown Revitalization Plan and successful funding applications for the multi‑phase Main Street/Avenue E downtown revitalization effort.

A combined effort with the City resulted in new infrastructure improvements to Kuna’s downtown core including new curb, gutter, and decorative sidewalk and art; landscaping; drainage; decorative lighting; pedestrian modifications; and ADA improvements along Main Street and Avenue E.

J‑U‑B is proud to have worked closely with the City and project stakeholders, including members of Kuna’s Economic Development Committee and ACHD, from developing a project concept, assisting with fundraising, developing project awareness, and garnering community support. J‑U‑B’s collaboration with the City, ACHD, and key stakeholders throughout this process has equipped the City with the necessary funding resources and planning direction to implement both phases of construction.