City of Pasco, WA – J-U-B designed two bridges for this transportation improvement project in historic downtown Pasco, Washington. The bridges carry two travel lanes, two bike lanes, and sidewalks on each side.
One of the bridges is a four-span 562-foot long railroad overpass. It was constructed with a cast-in-place deck, pre-stressed concrete girders, concrete pier, and abutment walls. The second bridge is a single-span bridge 69-feet long. It has a cast-in-place deck, voided pre-stressed concrete girders, and concrete abutment walls
There are two barriers on each side of the bridge: an interior traffic barrier protecting the pedestrians from vehicle traffic and an exterior pedestrian barrier at the outer edge of the sidewalk. These barriers are the vintage style with open windows to match the aesthetic of the vintage barrier styles of other existing bridges over the Logan River.