Environmental Services and NEPA
Sheep Creek Irrigation Salinity Control – Environmental Assessments

J-U-B prepared the three environmental assessments (EAs) for three salinity control projects along the Sheep Creek Irrigation system located in Utah and Wyoming. The projects evaluated impacts to over 16 miles of open canals along the South Valley, Cedar Hollow, Antelope, and North Laterals. J-U-B staff completed the associated technical resource surveys for each of the EAs. The project was part of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Salinity Control Project. J-U-B coordinated directly with Reclamation staff for the completion of the Draft EAs, Final EAs, and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSIs). The projects included the completion of a Memorandum of Agreement for adverse impacts to cultural resource surveys, coordination with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) on endangered species, specifically Ute ladies’-tresses, and the completion of a habitat replacement plan for each of the three projects.