Water System Improvements
West Richland, WA

We have provided water system planning and design for the City of West Richland for over fifteen years including: groundwater well sources, water treatment, booster stations, storage tanks, and transmission mains.

The Issues. The population in the City of West Richland has grown by over 60% in the past fifteen years and has required a relatively rapid expansion of the water system. Moreover, traditional groundwater sources have been declining in water quality thus requiring treatment and additional sources.

Addressing the issues. J-U-B has provided planning and design for cost-effective expansion of both source and storage projects in the City. In addition to planning and design of many miles of transmission main piping in the City, we are currently designing our third groundwater well and second major storage project for the City. We also planned for and designed the award winning Intertie Booster Station Project that allows the City to supplement its source water through an intertie with the neighboring City of Richland. J-U-B has also provided cost effective water treatment projects to bring wells with water quality challenges back online with minimal capital cost.

Results and Benefits. The City has a well-planned water system that has expanded to meet the needs of its rapidly growing community at a reasonable cost to rate payers. Water quality improvements are in the works for addressing declining source water quality and the award winning Intertie Booster Station provides a source of quality surface water and important redundancy for the system.

Unique and memorable.  For over fifteen years, J-U-B has been the trusted advisor for the City of West Richland’s water system. Our services have ranged from providing on-call hydraulic modeling support to the planning and design of lager storage tanks and booster stations. Over the years, we have developed a strong relationship with City staff and are continually provide planning, design, and operational troubleshooting support for City Staff.

Project Awards or recognitions. 

IACC 2012 Creative Solutions Award- Intertie Booster Station