With the support of J-U-B and other industry partners, the University of Idaho’s 24th Engineering Design EXPO held on April 29th was another great success. The annual Engineering Design EXPO showcases UI Engineering senior engineering capstone projects, and is the Northwest’s longest-running, interdisciplinary initiative featuring student innovations. J-U-B was the sponsor of one of the Capstone Projects – “Page Wastewater Treatment Plant Design” evaluating a new 5 mgd treatment plant for one of our key clients.
J-U-B’s Cory Baune, Steve James, and Tim Haener were in attendance to lend a hand and talk to presenters…and potential recruits.
J-U-B is active on the UI Civil Engineering Advisory Board. In the past, Chuck Larson, Tim Haener, and Steve James all served multiple terms on the Board – most recently Steve James, who is just finishing up a six-year term.
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