Irrigation Systems
Canal Lining and Piping Salinity Reduction Project
Eden Valley Irrigation and Drainage District, Wyoming

J-U-B Engineers assisted Eden Valley Irrigation and Drainage District (EVIDD Wyoming) in master planning and securing over $17.5 million in grants from Wyoming Water Development Commission and from the Bureau of Reclamation. J-U-B designed, provided environmental analysis and oversaw construction of three phases of projects of a district-wide piped irrigation system (Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV).

Phase II included three lateral lines ranging in size from 63” down to 12”, totaling over 20 miles, with more than 8 miles consisting of 36” or larger pipe. Phase II was completed in 2012. The total estimated construction cost for this phase was just under $13 million and will supply approximately 225 cfs of water.

Phase III involved piping a two mile lateral with pipe ranging in size from 24” to 12” and was completed in 2010. The total construction cost for this phase was $550,000 and will supply approximately 8 cfs of water.

Phase IV involved combining two existing laterals into one pipe lateral, and lining an existing earth canal. The piping portion consisted of four miles of pipe ranging in size from 34” to 12”, and will supply approximately 30 cfs. The lining portion included lining 6,200 feet of a 50 foot wide earth canal with a PVC membrane between two layers of non-woven geotextile and a shotcrete coating as well as replacement of 350 feet of concrete aprons at an existing siphon crossing the Little Sandy River. The total estimate construction cost was approximately $3.9 million. This phase was completed in 2011.

The Results: The result of these projects has been a significant savings in water loss through seepage as well as increased water quality