The Joslin Field- Magic Valley Regional Airport is a commercial service airport located south of the City of Twin Falls. The facility is owned, operated, maintained and managed by both the City of Twin Falls and Twin Falls County. It has two paved runways and serves a variety of aviation users including: passenger services, air cargo, general aviation interests, agricultural services, military operations, and BLM operations. In terms of economic activity, Twin Falls ranks fourth among commercial airports in Idaho. The airport has approximately 25,000 annual operations and approximately 110 based aircraft.
Taxiway A Rehabilitation
This four million dollar project consisted of the design and construction to realign the east 1,800-foot section of Taxiway A (Taxiway A1 to A2), rehabilitate the 2,480-foot section of Taxiway A between Taxiways A2 and A3, and the addition of a 400-foot long taxilane connector north from Taxiway A connecting to Taxiway L at the Magic Valley Regional Airport (TWF), in Twin Falls, Idaho.
The first phase of the project includes the realignment and reconstruction of Taxiway A between Taxiways A1 and A2. The runway centerline to taxiway centerline separation from Runway 8-26 of 512.5-feet, will be maintained, as the minimum required separation by FAA for facilities accommodating ADG-III aircraft is 400-feet between runway and taxiway centerlines. The realignment will eliminate an existing bend in the alignment north of Runway 26 and will connect Runway 26 and Taxiway A at a 90-degree angle. This configuration of the Taxiway A will allow for future taxiway connections to maintain similar geometry (90-degree) without unnecessary jogs in the new pavement. Edge lighting relocation and installation, sign relocation, markings, and drainage improvements are also included.